TSC Digital Library


TSC社区可以在SET的物理位置访问数字图书馆.B. 1.536,那里有电脑、打印、自习室和参考资料协助.

Hours of Operation

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed


开始一段研究之旅可能看起来很可怕,但数字图书馆可以太阳城赌场app下载提供帮助! 以下文件太阳城赌场app下载提供了如何使用TSC数字图书馆数据库开始研究的分步指南.

Digital Library Scholarly Search


TSC数字图书馆目前太阳城赌场app下载提供研究途径, 一个旨在帮助学生发展定位能力的新数据库, understand, evaluate, 并在研究过程中应用信息来源.

Click here to learn more.

以下是一系列EBSCO视频教程. 这些视频太阳城赌场app下载提供了如何进行基本搜索的概述, advanced search, and how to improve search results.


学习快捷图书馆是一个资源集合,旨在帮助学生提高他们的学术技能和学习考试. 它还设有计算机技能中心、工作和职业加速器以及职业中心.

Click here to learn more. 

In addition to the online research database, 数字图书馆还为学生太阳城赌场app下载提供各种不同学科的免费开放教育资源.

OER for Art
Museo Nacional de Arte
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
The Met
The Guggenheim Museum
Google Arts and Culture
Smithsonian Libraries
Europeana Collections

OER for History
Europeana Collections
Brownsville Historical Association
Library of Congress
Digital Public Library of America

OER for Biology
Virtual Biology Lab
The Ecological Society of America
Microscope Imaging Station
Biology OER

OER for Computer Science/Coding
World Wide Web Consortium
W3 Schools

OER for English/Literature/Writing
Perseus Digital Library
Project Gutenberg
Purdue University
American Psychological Association (APA)
MLA Style Center
The Chicago Manual of Style Online

OA Journals and Books
Directory of Open Access Journals
Community College Consortium for OER
Directory of Open Access Books

OER for Math/Statistics
West Texas A&M Virtual Math Lab

OER Textbooks
Open Intro
Ed Tech Books
Open Stax
Open Textbook Library
Open BC Campus
Saylor.org Academy
Open Oregon Educational Resources
OER Commons

OER for Sciences (multiple)
National Academies
MIT Open Courseware

OER for A&P/Nursing
Live Science
Live Science-Respiratory System
Live Science-Circulatory System
Live Science-Muscular System
Live Science-Endocrine System
Live Science-Urinary System
Live Science-Skeletal System
Live Science-Digestion System
Live Science-Nervous System
Live Science-Integumentary System
Live Science-Immune System
Live Science-Lymphatic System
Britannica Encyclopedia
National Library of Medicine-Books
National Library of Medicine-PMC

OER for multiple areas
Open Michigan Educational Resources
Texas Higher Education
OER Commons
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Mason OER Metafinder
ULS Digital Collections
Teaching Commons
IMF eLibrary

OER for psychology

OpenCourse Library
Lumen Learning
Lumen Catalog
Washington State Catalog

OER for language learning
Center for Open Educational Resources

Search for images and more
Creative Commons

TSC Student Laptop Check-out



  • I agree to take care of the laptop.
  • 我同意笔记本电脑一直由我保管直到它被归还给售货亭.
  • 我同意不让任何人使用我的笔记本电脑.
  • 我同意在归还笔记本电脑之前提醒图书馆工作人员任何可能发生的损坏.
  • 我同意对借出给我的任何丢失或损坏的笔记本电脑负责.
  • 我明白笔记本电脑将被借出48小时,并将在到期前归还.
  • 我明白,如果我迟交或损坏笔记本电脑,可能会收取费用和/或罚款. If fees and/or fines are not paid, 我的TSC学生账户可能会被搁置, 哪些可能会禁止我注册课程或获得正式成绩单.
  • 我明白我不能在笔记本电脑上存储任何个人信息, 如资料遗失,本公司概不负责. 关闭笔记本电脑后,所有信息将被清除.

TSC学生可以使用他们的TSC ID和单点登录密码在位于SET的笔记本电脑亭借出笔记本电脑.B. 1.536.

一旦TSC学生在SET的笔记本电脑亭使用他们的TSC ID和单点登录密码检查笔记本电脑.B. 1.他们可以用用户名“tsc用户”登录,不需要密码.

How much does it cost?
这是一项免费的服务,太阳城赌场app下载提供给目前在读的TSC学生. 但是,如果笔记本电脑迟交,将收取滞纳金. 如果笔记本电脑逾期,每天要交5美元的滞纳金. The maximum late fee is $1,025. 如果笔记本电脑丢失、被盗、未归还或损坏,更换费用为1,025美元. 充电器每天要付2美元的滞纳金. 如果充电器丢失、被盗、未归还或损坏,更换费用为50美元.


  • 你有责任对任何被盗物品的全部价值负责, damaged, 或者设备在你借出时丢了.
  • 您不得为其他学生、非学生或暂停使用的用户借出设备.
  • 你必须在规定的日期和时间内归还笔记本电脑. 笔记本电脑每天滞纳金为5美元.
  • 笔记本电脑或设备未及时归还, as described in the sign-out agreement form, will result in a maximum $1,025 late fee, a hold on your registration, official transcripts, and notification of TSC Security.
  • 重复发生损坏和/或疏忽或不遵守TSC结帐政策, 包括多次未能按时归还设备, 可能会导致取消TSC的结帐权限.

What are those late fees, again?

How can I pay my late fee?

What if I have  a technical problem?
You may email [email protected] or call helpdesk at 956-295-3800

布朗堡校区和ITEC中心的学生都可以使用“TSC Wifi门户”和传统的“Eduroam”